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How to use Pickler to create clear impact reports on the total sales volumes of your customers.

Daan van Hal avatar
Written by Daan van Hal
Updated over a week ago

Pickler enables you to create impact reports of clients' total sales volumes - to help your customers reports on their scope 3 emissions (CSRD requirement) and reduce impact over time. Learn to use reporting to create long-lasting partnerships with clients.

How Reporting works

Pickler's Reporting Feature in a nutshell.


Your reporting overview shows the total environmental impact and eco costs of a sales volumes for a specific client(s).

  • You upload your total sales volumes for clients you want to create your report for.

  • Filter on the desired time period

  • Filter on a product category or client

  • Share it with clients via pdf or Excel.

***Note: You can only create reporting results, if the product you're calculating the total sales volume impact for - is an inventory product in Pickler.

How Sales Teams use Reporting

You know how the Reporting feature works. Now how can you use this in your sales?

1. Meet customer demand for total CO2 reports

Just as for individual impact reports, the demand for annual impact numbers for sales volumes is increasing rapidly. This is due to:

  • Intrinsic motivation: Increasing numbers of companies embrace sustainability strategies and reports. This requires reporting on a product (portfolio level) or company level (scope 3 reporting).

  • External motivation: Stakeholder pressure (e.g. investors) and new ESG legislation, such as the EU's CSRD may (indirectly) require your clients to do scope 3 reporting and show annual improvements.

Here's how:

  • Reactive: When customers ask for it, create a total impact report for their sales purchases over their desired date range. Download the file/PDF and share it with your customer.

  • Proactive - Impact fluctuations over time: Upload the sales volume data for your clients over the last two years, compare the two, and provide your customers with a report on how their impact progressed. (nice link to point 2 below).

2. Create annual reduction proposals

By providing your customers with the total impact numbers for their purchases, you can offer them improvements in terms of impact reduction. This works great for creating long-lasting partnerships.

Here's how:

  • Supplier hotspots: Add sales data for your desired date range. Analyze which suppliers (products) make up your client's biggest impact chunk. Look for a sustainable alternative in your portfolio, create a product comparison (in the comparisons feature), and offer your customer a reduction proposal at scale.

Best Practises

What are some final do's and don'ts?

Pickler support for reporting cases

The Pickler team is here to support you when you have questions or want to double-check a reporting case using Pickler.

Reach out to us via the chat in Pickler!

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