With the reporting feature in Pickler, you can create scope 3 reports for your customers, based on the order history.
Preparation: Sales data
For this, you need to upload your sales data in Pickler.
Step 1: Create a new report
Navigate to reporting in Pickler and click "new report".
A modal opens. Here you can name your new report and select a customer and a date range.
If you can't find the right customer, it's likely that its not part of your sales data file.
Step 2: Select products
In the modal that opens, you can select products that you want to include in the report.
Use the filters to narrow down your search and click Create report to proceed.
Step 3: View and share your report
Your report is ready. In the report you find your selection of products, sorted from highest impact to low.
You can export the report as PDF or Excel file and share it with your customers.