By adding sales data to Pickler, you can see the total carbon footprint and eco-cost sold over a period of time, based on your orders.
Step 1: Download template
Navigate to Import & Export and click download template.
Step 2: Prepare your sales data using the CSV template
To successfully upload your sales data, use your template. This way you upload the data in the correct format.
The template contains six fields:
Product ID: this is used to identify products that you have in Pickler.
Day: Day of the order
Month: Month of the order
Year: Year of the order
Volume: The order size
Customer: Who you sold the order to
Step 3: Import your data
Navigate to Import & Export and click Import. Select your file and click Import.
The import only works with CSV files. So make sure to use the template.
Step 4: Import complete
If your file was formatted correctly, the import is successful.
Only rows in your sheet that have ID's that could be found in Pickler, will be imported. If you have add more product to Pickler at a later stage, you will have to re-upload your sales file.
Step 5: View data
You can now view and use the sales in Pickler.
Impact reports overview
For all products that you you uploaded sales data for, you will see added data appear in the impact reports overview:
Sales volume
Carbon footprint sold
Eco-cost sold
You can now also use the sales data to create scope 3 reports.