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How credible are your calculations?

How we use a transparant LCA-based methodology to make credible footprint calculations

Daan van Hal avatar
Written by Daan van Hal
Updated over a week ago

The Pickler methodology is a robust approach that ensures the integrity and reliability of data used in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and in line with the latest Green Claim Directive. As per our terms of service, users are required to provide substantiated proof for their input data.

Data from suppliers, such as material quantities, are multiplied by corresponding footprints from the life cycle inventory (LCI) database, IDEMAT, which contains verified LCAs/EPDs. When specific EPD data is available, it is used for corresponding life cycle stages.

The methodology and data calculations in IDEMAT are compliant with ISO 14040, 14044, EN15804, and the LCA handbook of the ILCD. The eco-costs indicator system also adheres to ISO 14008 standards.

The outcomes from each life cycle stage are aggregated to derive the final result. The calculation methods employed are transparent and based on simple accounting calculations, such as addition and multiplication, resulting in a low certification impact for this step.

Most importantly, the transparency of the Pickler methodology allows for the assessment of claim credibility and empowers users to evaluate the evidence (LCA data) themselves, aligning with guidelines outlined by ACM (Authority for Consumers & Market) for making green claims.

By leveraging this approach, users can confidently rely on the data to make credible claims about the environmental impact of their products or services.

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