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All datafields in Pickler listed

The first step to adding products in Pickler is knowing which input data you need right away - and which data you fill out later.

Daan van Hal avatar
Written by Daan van Hal
Updated this week





ID that is used by customer. Is required at all times.

None, this field is required


All materials listed on the bill of material for this product. It’s required to include 98% of the materials in your product.

Material distribution*

The distribution of the materials. By default this is in shares, but can also be in grams. Depending on the unit of measure that is selected.

Product name

Product name

(no name)


Description of the product


Image url

URL to product image


Product weight (in grams)

Weight of the product in grams, mU or Gsm.

1000 gram

Product category

Product categories

unknown product category


Supplier where the product is purchased



Components are used to group materials.

A packaging component can best be defined as an individual assembled part of a package such as any interior or exterior blocking, bracing, cushioning, weatherproofing, exterior strapping, coatings, closures, inks, lids and labels.

Packaging components have their own production location.

Component A, B, etc.

Production location

The location where the component is produced.

Unknown production location

Warehouse location

Location of the warehouse. This is the end of the transport journey.

Unknown warehouse location

Transport location

Locations in between production and warehouse that are part of your route.

Unknown transport location

End of life regions

Locations where the end of life of a product is expected.

Unknown end of life region.

End of life shares per location

How the end of life is distributed accross the regions.


Unit load device (ULD) dimensions

The dimensions of the unit load device.


Unit load device (ULD) weight

The weight of the unit load device.


3. Additional specific data

Pickler automatically predicts the country or region energy mix (based on production location) and the production method (based on the material). There is the option to replace these value with specific data if available.



Specific energy mix

The combination of different energy sources used at the production location (Solar, offshore wind, nuclear, hydro, gas, coal and oil).

Specific production method

The kwh of energy needed to produce 1kg of packaging material.

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