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FAQ: What marketing claims can my clients make with Pickler?
FAQ: What marketing claims can my clients make with Pickler?
Daan van Hal avatar
Written by Daan van Hal
Updated over a week ago

What claims can your clients make with Pickler reports?

  • Claims using inventory products are the safest (ownership of data)

  • Comparisons between a product switch of which both products are inventory products in Pickler.

  • Should inventory product be involved, read the best practises for those claims here.

Advice you can give customers:

  • Advice them to incorporate legal/communication experts for PR

  • Advice them to follow the ACM's guidelines (link in Pickler's help center) or local anti-greenwashing authorities.

  • Advice to always include Pickler links + be 100% transparent on assumptions, scope, and improvements.

Tips for your clients:

Claims should be CLEAR:

  • Correct Scoping: sub-component/process/certification vs product - Products vs company/brand efforts

  • Cear Unit of measurement: #units or kg measured - EXCLUDES packaging contents(!!)

Claims should be Credible & Verifiable (100% Transparency)

  • Ensure audiences always find the impact reports and additional information (click-through effect).

  • Factful, neutral terms: Simply share reports accompanied by their purpose (impact-based decision-making/strategy/to measure improvements in the future).

  • Focus on your commitment to independent impact transparency in campaigns.

  • Always provide a disclaimer: available data + scope + assumptions made for this specific decision

Claims should be up-to-date:

  • By always sharing live impact reports from Pickler or new PDFs according to the validity date.

Claims with comparisons should be fair:

  • Only compare to your own inventory products (previously purchased product).

  • Scenario products: switch to inventory (e.g. new supplier data) before making claims.

  • Scenario products: provide a solid disclaimer on quality of the data + assumptions made.

  • Discourage comparison with non-Pickler LCA results (not possible due to diff. methods, scope, database, etc.)

Marketing claims Don't's:

  • Avoid generic phrases and claims such as “eco”, “environmentally friendly”, “clean”, “green”, “good for the environment”, when sharing the widgets.

  • Don’t use self-made labels or unnecessary/misleading green imagery next to the widgets.

  • Avoid ‘recyclable’ or ‘biodegradable’ sustainability claims. (Can’t be proven)

  • Never state a product’s CO2 impact, without linking to the eco forecast.

  • Don’t make comparisons with products you don’t own/claims you can’t support with owned environmental data. (example: this is better than plastic in general!)

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