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5. Adding the End of life (EOL) stage.
5. Adding the End of life (EOL) stage.

Understanding the end of life stage and how to control the waste treatment outcome with scenario products.

Daan van Hal avatar
Written by Daan van Hal
Updated over a week ago

1. Step 1. Fill out your product's EOL

  • Add the region where you product will most likely end up in the waste treatment systems. Usually this is based on where you ship your product to/where your client's located (on average).

  • If unmapped: If the EOL location isn't mapped yet, you will do this after saving the product. Learn how.

  • If mapped: You can simply choose a location from the dropdown.

  • After saving the product + potentially mapping is complete. You Packaging Impact Report will show the EOl scenario based on every component you added and how these components are treated at the EOl in your EOL region:

Explaining: End of life for inventory products

Since inventory products represent real life products and can be shared as Impact Reports or in comparisons, greenwashing is a risk when we allow to change the end of life scenario.


Company A produces compostable packaging which are made of agricultural waste. Their impact drops when they are composted.

Currently however, there are is no waste treatment in place in Europe that allows for industrial composting.

It's therefore more likely that the waste will be incinerated instead, resulting in a slighly worse end of life.

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Explaining: End of life for scenario products

Scenario products are fictional products that are encouraged to not be shared in marketing claims. They allow for more flexibility to predict what could be the impact in sales.

Therefore, you are free to change the shares for every waste treatment and see how it affects the end result. However, as soon as a scenario product switches to an inventory product, EOL treatments will go back to the default scenarios in Pickler.

About the end of life stage

The end-of-life stage considers the environmental footprint that comes with the waste processing of the packaging product after use. Learn more about what we include in the EOL stage + why below:

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