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Import product data using Excel
Import product data using Excel

Walkthrough of importing product data in to Pickler.

Daan van Hal avatar
Written by Daan van Hal
Updated over 3 months ago

Product data in Pickler is defined as the lifecycle data that is needed to run calculations in Pickler. It's the data coming from your bill of material, data on production, locations, and more. Product data can also be data that can be listed as reference data, e.g. your product name, ID, etc. A full list of data that you can import to Pickler can be found here.

Import your product data

To import your data into Pickler, you navigate to the import & export page and make sure you are in the product data tab.

When you have zero products in your account, you will see a Download template button. This option is replaced with an Export data button when you have at least one product.

This button will download a full Excel export of your products in Pickler. This will be your starting point.

Understanding the template and formatting

Opening the file in Excel gets you your data in the exact right format. From here, you can make changes to your data, save the file, and upload it again.

Changing data in a Pickler export file

The Pickler export file is built up in the correct formatting for import. When you edit data, save the file, and import it again, it could be that it will not pass the validation checks that are run on every import in Pickler. That's why it's important to stick to the formatting that you see in the Excel file.

Save the file as XLXS.

Best practice

Pickler is evolving with new data fields and enhancements that may impact our data compilation. While we aim for consistency, there are times when that's not possible; meaning the structure will change.

Therefore, it's best practice to always download an export of your data right before starting a new upload and not to use an old file. This means you will have to right headers in place and structure in place.


To import a file, navigate again to the import & export page. In the product tab, click Import data. In the modal, upload your file and click import.

Pickler will now perform the checks. If the file doesn't pass the validation checks, it will give feedback.

Rules and data validation

When preparing your data, it's good to understand to what format and rules it has to adhere.

General rules

  • Pickler will skip empty cells during import, meaning it will not overwrite existing values.

  • You can select what columns (data) you want to upload - besides the ID column that is always required.

  • Pickler treats . or , as decimal separators. Do only use these for writing decimals, not to write out a larger number.

  • When an empty cell (only ID is a required field) is imported but there is no existing value, Pickler will add a default value. See what default values we apply per data field.

Validation checks per data field in Pickler




Required, should be unique, alphanumeric, and within a certain length limit.
Max Length: 100 characters.

Product name

Max Length: 100 characters.


Numeric, must be an integer, defaults to 0 if not specified.


Max length 500 characters, no special formatting issues (e.g., avoid HTML tags).

Image URL

Must be a valid, fully-qualified URL starting with http or https.
Max Length: 2048 characters.

Product weight

Required, numeric, positive value, likely with a realistic max (e.g., <= 10,000).


Required, text, may need to match a predefined supplier name from a database.

Product category

Required, text, predefined list (e.g., "Tubes", "Plates", etc.).

Components, Quantities, Materials, Shares, Production location, Production process

A Group of strings.

A string has this structure: <Component name>~<Quantity>~<Material>~<Share>%~<Production location>.

At least one string is required. There can be multiple strings. Strings are separated by ;

Requirements for strings:

Adheres to this structure.

Component name (max 300 characters) quantity (> 0)


share (0.000000000001 to 100%) production location

production process - optional

Requirements for a group of strings

When the same component names are used, they will be merged during import.

Sum of all shares must be 100%.

Warehouse location

Text value


String of text values (locations) separated by ;. (e.g., "City, Country; City, Country"),

End of life regions and share

String of values (regions) and the share. Share must sum to 100%.
Each share between 0 and 1, represented as <Region>~<Share>.

Transport unit length

Numeric, minimum > 0 cm, maximum likely <= 1,750 cm.

Transport unit width

Numeric, minimum > 0 cm, maximum likely <= 1,750 cm.

Transport unit height

Numeric, minimum > 0 cm, maximum likely <= 1,750 cm.

Transport unit weight

Numeric value in cm kg
Min: > 0 , Max: 1000.

Automatic transport mode

Numeric, binary (1 for automatic, 0 for manual).
​Read more on automatic transport

Custom attributes

Optional, must adhere to <key>:<value> format, no empty keys or values allowed.

Custom product end of life

formatted as <Region>~<Share>%.
Strings are separated by ;

Shares must sum to exactly 100%.

A more user-friendly way of importing

Importing data into Pickler using Excel is currently a complex process due to the detailed and interconnected nature of the data.

That's why we are working on a new, user-friendly template. This simplified import format will make data entry easier, ensure accuracy through automated validation, and offer flexibility by allowing users to configure what they want to import.

Although still in development, the new template is expected to launch before the end of 2024, aiming to lower the barrier to importing and streamline the process for all users.

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