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Pickler's Compliance & Credibility
How we substantiate sustainability claims with facts and how we keep them up-to-date
How we substantiate sustainability claims with facts and how we keep them up-to-date

This article explains why the Pickler tool helps consumers and companies to make more informed choices.

Zazala Quist avatar
Written by Zazala Quist
Updated over a week ago

While it's critical for green claims to be substantiated with evidence, many companies make sustainability claims without providing sufficient evidence to support them, making it difficult for consumers to make informed purchasing decisions and for companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. This lack of transparency highlights the need for tools like Pickler, which is designed to provide clear, visible, and reliable information about a product's environmental impact.

Pickler's informative visuals show environmental impact categories and their contribution to the eco score, and the tool automatically updates eco scores if new data becomes available, providing dynamic results over time. To ensure that the data is as up-to-date as possible, the Pickler team collaborates with Sustainability Impact Metrics to incorporate new LCAs and EPDs into their analysis.

Moreover, our top priority is to obtain certification for the Pickler tool's calculation method. We are collaborating with LCA experts and other parties to ensure that we comply with the latest standards and can provide customers with the most credible and transparent green claims possible. By using Pickler, companies can make more informed decisions and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, contributing to a more sustainable future. To learn more about making credible green claims, check out this article.

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