Yes! You can use our bulk import feature to update or change values to several products at once. Here's how:
Export your product data
Download the Import Template
Change the file settings on your import template to allow for the use of macros
Right-click on your import template, and select "Properties"
In the General tab, find the Security section (it should be at the bottom of the window) and select the "Unblock" function
Click Apply, followed by OK
Open the Import template file
Click "Enable Content" at the at the top of the Excel sheet
Click on the "Import Pickler export file" to upload all the product data from your export file
Adjust the settings to match your preferences in the pop-up window ("Import Options"), and click "Submit"
Material Distribution
Product Weight
Unit Load Device Weight
Unit Load Device Dimension
Custom End of Life
Make the changes you wish to make
Click "Validate" in the top left to confirm your changes
NB: It's only possible to fully update your export file once there are no errors left in the product overview. Errors will be highlighted as red cells
To check if all errors have been removed, click "Validate" once more to check what errors are left to fix, if any
Click "Export" to create a new export file with the updated values
The updated file will now be saved as an ".xlsx" file
Go to "Import & Export" in our Pickler account
Click "Import data" and upload your updated product data
That's it! This will update all your products at once. As a safety precaution, we suggest you check a few products to confirm the changes have come through correctly.
Remember: The above is only a step-by-step guide to using the import template. To learn more about how the import function works in Pickler, please read this article.