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How are use cycles calculated?

The final score is divided by the number of use cycles.

Daan van Hal avatar
Written by Daan van Hal
Updated over a week ago

In the comparisons function, it is possible to enter the number of use cycles. The final score is divided by the number of use cycles.

Use cycles refer to the number of times a product is used for its intended purpose before being discarded. It's important to note that this value is not the same as the technical life cycle, which is the number of uses a product is designed to withstand before breaking down. Instead, the number of use cycles reflects a combination of factors, including the economic lifespan of the product and any losses or damages that occur along the value chain. When making a claim about the number of use cycles, it's important to have evidence to support this value.

The user phase can also include other extra steps like washing and transport. Read here why this is not taken into account.

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